Monday, July 1

For 100 calories: This is how much popcorn you can eat

Attention popcorn fans: We'll tell you how much of the popular snack you can enjoy for 100 calories.

Popcorn is considered a healthy alternative to traditional chips and is a must for any movie or TV show night. But how many calories are in this crunchy snack?

The good news: Popcorn can be a relatively low-calorie snack – provided you choose the right type and amount.

Of course, it is best to prepare the healthy alternative to chips yourself rather than buying it ready-made. This is the only way to be sure that there are no hidden additives and that the snack does not become a calorie bomb.

This much popcorn has 100 calories

100 grams of popcorn contain about 364 calories. For just under 100 calories, you can enjoy about 27 grams of popcorn if you choose the air-popped variety without additional butter or sugar.

Popcorn is made when corn is heated to make it pop. The calorie content varies greatly depending on the method of preparation. Popcorn that is popped with air and contains no additional fat is the slimming snack.

Popcorn also provides important nutrients. It is a good source of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion. In addition, it contains antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which can reduce inflammation in the body. B-complex vitamins and minerals such as magnesium are also included.

Crispy, light snack: keep your eyes open for the topping

How healthy popcorn is depends largely on how it is prepared. The basic version made from popped corn is definitely healthy. It is low in calories and fat. However, it becomes problematic when the popcorn is roasted in oil and then refined with butter, sugar or a lot of salt. Then not only the calorie content increases, but also the proportion of saturated fatty acids and simple carbohydrates.

For a healthier option, you should use air-popped popcorn - for example from the air fryer - and season it with paprika or herbs. If you like it sweet, you can refine the taste with a little cinnamon without having to resort to refined sugar.

Ultimately, of course, everyone can decide for themselves how they want to enjoy their popcorn. If you want to treat yourself to sweet popcorn in the cinema or the ready-made version from the microwave every now and then, you should do so without feeling guilty. The important thing is that you do this consciously and in moderation.

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